How much does it cost to use

At, we believe that finding love and making meaningful connections should be accessible to everyone. That's why we offer a mostly free dating service where users can create a profile, browse other profiles, and send messages to express interest. However, we also offer some paid features that can enhance your experience on the site (and also help pay our bills).

Let's start with the free features. Signing up and creating a profile on is completely free of charge. You can fill in your basic information such as name, age, gender, and location, as well as other details that will help others find you based on your profile. You can also upload photos and verify your email and phone number for added security. Once you've created a profile, you can browse other profiles and express interest (limited in free) to other members after which both parties can chat with each other.

Now, let's talk about the paid features. We offer a premium membership that allows you to express interest in more users and see more details on profiles. 

We understand that not everyone wants or needs a paid membership, and that's okay. We believe that our free service is still valuable and can help you find meaningful connections. Our paid features are simply an option for those who want to enhance their experience on the site.

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